Wide Walls
Wide Walls
Adult Learning, Role Play and Air Force Training - Josh Mason

Adult Learning, Role Play and Air Force Training - Josh Mason

This episode is the first part of my conversation with Josh Mason. Click here to listen to the second part on Josh’s podcast "Loops and Lifecycles".

Josh Mason is a former Air Force pilot who now provides strategic guidance and technical expertise in cybersecurity and risk management to startups and large companies worldwide. As a cyber instructor and courseware developer, we discussed how he leverages his experience in the military to build learning experiences for adults and talked about his approach to education as a whole. I also shared some of my perspectives and insights as a Learning Designer and a Product Manager in EdTech.

Find more about Josh's work:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuacmason/

- https://loops-and-lifecycles-podcast.simplecast.com/

Wide Walls
Wide Walls
Welcome to Wide Walls, a podcast where inspiring educators, researchers, designers, and innovators share their personal journey and their vision for creating better learning experiences for children.