Wide Walls
Wide Walls
Cultural Sensitivity, Social Behavior Change and AI for Kids - Evren Yiğit

Cultural Sensitivity, Social Behavior Change and AI for Kids - Evren Yiğit

Evren Yiğit is a renowned author and expert in children’s content and storytelling, with a background in child development studies, media creation, and creative writing, and over 15 years of experience in the industry.

She co-founded Mako Kids in 2017, a children-first media, production, and consultancy company that specializes in creating quality content for kids of all ages. She also recently co-founded KidsAI, a community hub and internet journal for safe, ethical, responsible, and beneficial AI practices and tools for children.

In this episode, we discuss Evren’s passion for leveraging research and industry insights to create content that is both enjoyable and beneficial to children, with a focus on cultural sensitivity, inclusion, social behavior change, and the opportunities brought by AI to advance children’s media.

Find more about Evren's work: - https://www.linkedin.com/in/evren-yi%C4%9Fit-25160450/ - https://makokids.io/ - https://kidsai.io/  

Wide Walls
Wide Walls
Welcome to Wide Walls, a podcast where inspiring educators, researchers, designers, and innovators share their personal journey and their vision for creating better learning experiences for children.